


Zephyr Prime

Customizable All Purpose Build, details on the description (with TLDR avaible)

by last updated 2 years ago


Take to the skies with this golden bird of destruction.




60 / 60


Damage Reduction
Zephyr Prime builds
Builds by PatatoTheMispelled

Customizable All Purpose Build, details on the description (with TLDR avaible)

This build consistently uses the entirety of [Zephyr]'s kit. Here's a short description, what you can change, how it works, etc.

TLDR just in case you don't feel like reading: Stay in air, have 3 active AT ALL TIMES, put enemies together with 2 and 4, spam her 1 while aiming down and you'll one shot most enemies. Useful for literally every mission type except interception and maybe some bosses.

That being said, long version here with more details that might be useful to you (there's some important notes, I've written the most important ones with at least 2 words in full caps):

First, what does this build do?

The playstyle of this build is staying in the air 24/7 (if you can). [Target Fixation] increases damage abnormally fast if you put enemies together into a small place, which is literally what [Zephyr] was made for. Range and Duration are the main stats required, the rest are dedicated to preventing you from running out of energy, which is why I put Arcane Energize. Strength is NOT needed for this build, Tail Wind still one shots enemies easily with 40% strength.

Her passive grants 150% crit chance for weapons while you're airborne, which is surprisingly just ONE of the reasons you want to stay in the air instead of the only one.

Tail Wind (1) is your damage ability. Spam Dive Bombs (aim directly into the floor and cast the ability) to deal damage. Every enemy hit will increase your damage thanks to Target Fixation. Don't stay on the floor for too long or Target Fixation's effect will wear off. Two things to note:

-Dive Bomb's damage also scales off of height, so the higher you go before casting the more damage you'll inflict. It doesn't matter in most cases, but it might help you when the multiplier didn't stack.

-Tail Wind costs half energy while in the air, so make sure you always cast it while in the air if you're not using Dive Bomb, which should be specifically when you want to move fast.

VERY IMPORTANT: Apparently using Operator mode doesn't reset [Target Fixation]'s buff, so use it to hack consoles and touch grass for a while.

Airburst (2) is your fast control ability, for when you're doing something like an Exterminate mission where you don't have to stay for too long in the air. Always cast before casting Tail Wind to increase the number of enemies hit by it. One important thing to note is that, just like Tail Wind, Airburst costs half energy while in the air.

Turbulence (3) is your defensive ability. While it's active, as long as you're off the ground, you're basically immortal as long as you're slightly careful. With this build's range, Turbulence has 12m range, which means that projectiles in a 12m range from you WILL miss their target and be sent anywhere in other direction. Note that this might cause AoE projectiles to hit a wall behind you and still damage you, but using the Operator and Shield Gating should keep you alive in those cases. NOTE: THIS DOESN'T [Protect] YOU FROM MELEE, STAY IN THE AIR, DON'T TOUCH GRASS.

Tornado (4) is your long control ability. If you're on a defense (mobile or not) mission, you will want to cast this to prevent melee enemies from hitting the targets. On top of that, it's a great way to use [Target Fixation], since it puts enemies into a small space where you WILL hit all of them. Also, it seems like the tornados multiply AoE damage, as you're hitting all tornados at once which spreads the damage that many times, This means Tornado's augment could potentially lead to you dealing insane damage.

It is important to know that Tornado spreads damage dealt from you or teammates directly to the tornado among all enemies trapped inside, which means that it effectively turns single target weapons into AoE. Also, this works specially well with the [Trumna]'s alt fire, since for whatever reason hitting the tornado counts as not killing with the alt fire which WILL charge your alt fire again, effectively granting you infinite [Trumna] alt fire as long as you're slightly careful with how you do it.

Now, what can you change?

Exilus: Use anything you want. I'd reccomend Cunning Drift as it'll grant you extra ability range, which is nice. Anything useful is good here.

Aura: Again, use whatever you want. In my opinion [Energy Siphon] is one of the best auras (if not the best) to run with [Zephyr], since [Corrosive Projection] is not very important given she one shots enemies without it (why would you want to do more damage if you already one shot?)

Main mods: The only thing I'd really change, and only if you really want to, is [Target Fixation]. I personally think the mod is great and wouldn't change it, but I have been using a very similar build up until literally yesterday without [Target Fixation] and she's been working great for me so far. Still, Target Fixation is fun to use. If you DON'T want to run it, change it for more duration/range, or maybe even cast speed ([Natural Talent]).

Another alternative is removing [Augur Reach], using [Cunning Drift] as your Exilus mod and running [Rolling Guard] to deal with annoying status effects that might get you killed.

Arcanes: Literally use whatever you want. I'd personally run Energize and Molt Efficiency for more energy and duration, but you can run anything. Maybe something to do more damage with your weapon of choice, maybe Arcane Nullifier, your choice