[Revenant] build for all his abilities and being pretty much both immortal and dealing insane damage.
You can change [Augur Secrets] for whatever you want, but I'd reccomend keeping it for extra charges on his 2. If you do change it I'd reccomend adding some duration mod, but depending on what you add you could end up having to spend more forma. A good alternative is [Augur Message], which'd cost you no extra forma.
About the Arcanes, Energize is very important, use it if you have it. Other than that, use whatever you want: Fury for melee, Velocity/Pistoleer for secondary weapons, Momentum for the [Vectis], idk, use whatever you want depending on what you're using.
How to use: Basically, have his 2 up at all times, you'll be immortal.
His 3 can be changed with Helminth if you really feel like it, and I'd think the [Rhino] roar is a pretty good choice. Pretty much any helminth ability that doesn't require range and not a ton of duration will be good. I kept it cuz idk, I sometimes use it lol.
When you're hit while in your 2, you'll stun enemies. Stunned enemies make your 1 not cost energy on them, so start your zombie army with them if you can.
His 4 is basically post-augment [Baruuk] 4 but channeled ability instead of an exalted weapon. Go full disco mode and deal damage according to the enemy's resistances, aka hit them where it hurts always no matter what. Range on this only seems to change the beams' radius, so it's not really neccesary.
Anyways, have fun.