This is part of a larger build for [Nidus] called Swarm Lord. This weapon is actually playing the role of utility, offering the following benefits:
- This carries two Hunter mods, adding damage to the Kubrow that is meant to run along side this weapon.
- The 150% critical chance works with Hunter Synergy, granting our Kubrow just about 46%% critical chance.
- Amalgam Seration letting you get a little extra sprint speed for moving around the map
This is not likely a weapon you will want to use. However, it offers a massive power steroid to your kubrows damage output, helping them [Reach] 88% critical chance and helping fill out the hunter set.
Riven mod Note: Getting a riven mod with critical chance would push the kubrows chance to even higher.. This will add more consistency and possibly get your Kubrow a decent damage output.