



Crack that whip! (Umbral Whipclaw)

by last updated 3 years ago


Khora is red in whip and claw. She works together with her Kavat companion, Venari, to deal high damage and provide crowd control. Two bodies, one will.




60 / 60


Damage Reduction
Khora builds
Builds by Bucky

Crack that whip! (Umbral Whipclaw)

[Khora]'s Whipclaw is capable of throwing up BIG numbers with relatively little setup if you have the right build. This is one such build. It’s a lot of work to truly bring [Khora] online, but once she’s ready, she’s an absolute monster that can tear through most anything with ease and top all the damage charts. All you have to do is whip it. Whip it good.

Note that this build is not necessarily how to utterly maximize damage, but is instead based on what I've found to be effective and what feels right. The game isn't played on paper, and you should definitely tailor your build based on what you have available and what feels right to you.

With that said, if you haven't recently, go have a look now at the wiki's page on Whipclaw:

There's a small novel there in the dropdown, talking about all the different things Whipclaw scales with. It's important to note that Khora is only half the build. The other half is the stat-stick, which is here:
The statstick is mandatory, don’t expect to do damage without it.

There's also the [Venari] Build, here: isn’t as important as the statstick, but she has good utility and is worth investing in if you end up using [Khora] a lot.

I don’t have a build for your companion, but my recommendations are Adarza Kavat for the crit, Vasca Kavat for the self-res, or Djin with [Reawaken] for long missions where you don’t feel like reviving the cat. Use whatever you want, but whatever you bring, slot it with [Animal Instinct].

Getting into the build itself, you slot [Accumulating Whipclaw] because this is a Whipclaw build and that’s mandatory. You slot range to bring your range and radius up so you can hit more enemies. Notably, the radius cannot exceed 200% Ability Range, so [Overextended] isn’t worth considering. 175% is good enough and makes it so that your whip’s damage radius is 8.75m, which is enough to wipe whole groups in one barley-aimed cast.

Power Duration is our dump stat. It only affects Ensnare and Strangledome, and we don't care about those. [Transient Fortitude] is good for strength and [Fleeting Expertise] brings the cost of Whipclaw from 25 down to 10, which is also good. You could optionally swap [Augur Reach] for [Streamline] to overcap and [Reach] 175% Efficiency (a 6.25 cost whipclaw), — but that also takes the radius down to 7.25m from 8.75m, and I would rather the range.

If you run this build with Zenurik and dash every so often, you ought to be able to spam whipclaw as much as you like and more or less keep up with energy with the orbs that drop. I run [Energy Siphon] mostly because I forma'd my Aura slot before the Corrosive Projection nerf, but if you can get your energy elsewhere, (Energize, EV, whatever,) you could also run Steel Charge and/or Madurai focus for a considerable damage bonus. However, if everything else is up to snuff, you shouldn’t really need that damage, and it’s better to be able to whip whenever you need to than to have more overkill damage and not.

As for the Umbral Mods, I have [Vitality] and Fiber both at rank 8, 14 cost. To truly maximize this build, I’ll eventually forma the [Augur Reach] slot and max them, but it’s an EHP gain of 1,018 for an endo cost of 61,440 — not a good value proposition. 4,206 EHP is enough to stay alive, so I don’t feel the need to max them now. If you already have them maxed, you’ll just have to apply the extra forma, and if you don’t yet have them that high you’ll just be a bit squishier. You could swap out the Umbral mods, but that voids the warranty.

Past a certain point, knowing where enemies are is more valuable than a bit more overkill damage, and this build is well beyond that point. You need a significant amount of [Enemy Radar] to get the most out of Whipclaw, but that doesn’t mean you have to have radar mods in your build. If you have [Primed Animal Instinct] maxed on both [Venari] and your companion, that’s 33 + 33 = 66m worth of [Enemy Radar]. Which is a lot. And realistically, that’s enough. But I like to slot [Vigilante Pursuit] in the exilus slot anyway for an additional 30 = 96m total. It gives me a feeling of omniscience. I look more at the minimap than my crosshair and I like it that way. Since Whipclaw goes through walls and has no damage falloff, all you have to do is aim vaguely near whoever you want dead, press the button, and they’re fricking donezo, along with anyone unlucky enough to be in their immediate vicinity. You can do that with the minimap alone, and it’s fantastic. I don’t think any other frame has anything like it. That’s why stacking [Animal Instinct] is so important and also why I suggest slotting [Sense Danger] on [Venari].

But really you could really put any number of things in the exlius slot. [Handspring] is a good option, you might be able to squeeze in [Rush], or you could go with Power or [Cunning Drift] for extra damage or range. respectively. You could also forgo the exilus slot entirely to make the build that much cheaper at a minimal cost to your overall efficacy. ¯\_(ツ)__/¯ You do you.

For the Arcanes: at max rank, Arcane Avenger provides 45% flat crit chance. That helps a lot to make the crits more consistent, and if you’re not critting, you’re probably not killing. Along with Avenger, you could also run [Adarza Kavat] for another 60% flat crit. With both, you’ll be doling out those big juicy red crits left and right.

Arcane [Fury] naturally synergizes incredibly with what we’re trying to do here, adding +180% melee damage at max rank. Crit is rolled separately for every enemy hit by Whipclaw and [Fury] has a 60% to proc for each one, so it’s effectively always active. Even at lower ranks, it adds a lot and is worth slotting. If not either of those and if not Energize, run what you have.

A couple tips for using the build.
#1. If it isn’t already, bind “use ability” to Mouse 4 or something. Pressing the 1 key every time will wear you out.
#2. If you come across a particularly chunky enemy you don’t 1-shot, Ensnare it first for 200% damage. It doesn’t even last two whole seconds, but damage is damage.
#3. The best CC is death, but failing that you can cast Strangledome. It only lasts 2.5s, but that’s long enough to ragdoll enemies and get a whip off. It’s large and can pull enemies from a good distance thanks to our range, so it has some utility as a means to group enemies together. In most cases, it’s probably better just to whip 4 times for the same cost, but it’s about having the option.
#4 I often forget, but remember that [Venari] can heal things. The defense mode is garbage — don’t use that, but attack and heal are both pretty good.

And there you have it. Big damage, soft kitties: [Khora].