Update: I replaced Molt Efficiency with Arcane aice Storm for both the STR and Duration bonus, it functions well on [Frost]. Also, Arcane Battery works well with [Frost]'s +50 Armor per enemy frozen passive. It provides up to 1000 additional max energy if you want to replace Molt Augmented with it.
Personal [Frost Prime] build that can do it all. I use Nourish for the Viral Damage team buff and Arcane energize effect which is 35 energy per orb. [Biting Frost], for the additional 200% Critical Chance and 200% Damage. [Icy Avalanche] to give Overguards and status immunity to my squad. Avalanche also comes with a high range with a complete armor strip through Molt Augmented for Steel Path. I become a Double Overguard Critical DPS Tank [Frost] through the use of [Brief Respite], [Biting Frost], and [Icy Avalanche]. I am tanky support that gives out large Overguards, and Viral Damage buff. Avalanche and Snow Globe serve as great crowd-control tools that make endurance runs very easy.
Short Guide: For Endurance runs use [Rolling Guard] and Prime [Sure Footed]. For the normal Star Chart, exchange [Rolling Guard] with any other D mod as you do not need the survivability and you won't have the mod unless you trade. I posted above the configuration of what I use every day, if you are missing mods then use the approximate closest non-prime mods.
Note: If you are using Devouring Attriton weapons, then make sure to not use [Biting Frost] as the critical chance is counterintuitive to it. If you play solo then make sure to have either Viral, Cold, Toxin, or No element installed on your weapons and use [Freeze Force] instead of [Biting Frost]. [Freeze Force] will give you the largest DPS buff if you play solo or with friends, but if you are playing in public then [Freeze Force] will likely mess up with the configurations of your squadmates. [Freeze Force] behaves as a Cold mod buff, therefore Corrosive + Heat = Corrosive + Blast, but Corrosive + Cold = Corrosive + Cold, and Viral + Heat = Viral + Heat, etc. For these inconveniences, I would suggest you instead use either Streamline for better energy efficiency or Vigorous Swap for the 3-second damage buff. Otherwise, Umbra [Intensify], [Amar's Hatred], [Augur Secrets], [Augur Reach], [Ice Wave Impedance], and Chilling Globe are excellent options too.
Enjoy :)
Unnecessary Essay below, you can ignore it.
Mod Breakdown:
Helminth the 1 or 2, don't helminth the 3 as it's quite good, and 4 is necessary for the 100% Armor Strip. If you like 2, replace 1 instead. I replaced 2 since I need the 1 to pop 3 when I am inside the normal Star Chart. Also for me, 2 only becomes good when used with its augment otherwise I forget about it and don't typically use it.
Avalanche is the panic button for a complete armor strip. When combined with the high Viral Damage from Nourish and any good Slash Weapon like Felarx it will melt enemies instantly. It also gives status immunity to the entire squad.
Use either Power Drift or Prime Sure-Footed, as you might not be able to roll otherwise, and there is this trick with Avalanche where you can prevent knockdown if you time it at the right time.
Archon Flow, Primed Flow, or regular Flow, you need it because the energy Pool of Frost is naturally very low without it.
[Primed Continuity] buffs the duration of Nourish so It isn't annoying to refresh. It also buffs the duration of Avalanche Freezing making it easier to hit enemies with Biting Frost.
[Transient Fortitude] gives enough STR to achieve 100% Armor Strip with a R5 Molt Augmented. [Blind Rage] works too but you will need some Azure Max Energy or Amber Energy Effectiveness shards to make it work well. Umbra [Intensify] works too, but it is not enough STR to obtain 100% Armor Strip naturally unless you use Archon Ability Strength shards as well.
[Biting Frost] is very good for Normal Star Chart, Casual Steel Path, and Endurance, but if you are using Devouring Attrition Weapons then this mod will kind of get in the way. I equip Viral with those weapons and use [Freeze Force] instead of Biting Frost to increase the raw damage against red health, the cold damage increases Viral damage by millions of more damage.
[Overextended] and [Stretch] allow me to cover rooms comfortably with my [Icy Avalanche]. Note: It's also possible to use [Augur Reach] instead so I won't lose 60% strength. This allows me to use 100% Armor Strip from the beginning of the game and free Molt Augmented for something else. I was playing with this for a while, to equip Arcane Fury/Arcane Avenger, and Arcane Strike instead of Molt Augmented and Molt Efficiency. This increased my Damage significantly with [Biting Frost] because I was using a Red Critical Naramon Slash build. Naramon players can try this and enjoy it but I am sharing the more normal and balanced version up on the screen.
[Rolling Guard] is a very good mod if things turn south, but I don't typically need it because of all the Icy Overguard and CC so feel free to equip another D mod.
[Icy Avalanche] is nice to support the team, It is very impactful as I had matches where my squadmates and myself took 0% damage due to this Ability. I am not simply referring to the normal Star Chart and Casual Steel Path but also Circuit. I brought this to a 9999 level cap and took 0% damage which I'll admit takes some skill, [Limbo] teammate, and operator use but the possibility is there for you to unlock. I hit pretty hard at level cap with the 100% Armor Strip and Nourish Viral damage multiplier. I bring a Slash weapon such as a [Felarx], Phenemor works too, but when I do that I replace Biting Frost for Freeze Force so it doesn't get in the way of Devouring Attrition.
I use Molt Efficiency to offset the [Transient Fortitude] duration penalty. Because I have overguards all the time I receive a 36% Duration bonus all the time. It brings the Nourish Duration to 48 seconds and it also keeps enemies Frozen for way longer making it very comfortable to kill with Biting Frost. Nowadays, Arcane Ice Storm is available so you can use it instead. It provides STR as well.
I use Molt Augmented to obtain 100% Armor Strips for Avalanche because I need 167% STR for Avalanche. It also boosts Viral damage and energy [Regen] to high levels, this is about 52 energy per orb so I can spam abilities a lot. With Strenght shards, it becomes even higher damage, more over guards, and energy regen which makes me spam abilities even more.
For Archon shards, I use 2 Casting speeds and 3 Ability Strengths. The Ability Strength is nice because it boosts Viral Damage further, making me a heavier hitter. Icy Overguards become even higher in value too. It also means fewer kills are needed to achieve 100% Armor Strip, making me feel more comfortable playing with it. If you don't have enough Amber and Crimson, then use Azure Energy Max. If you are having energy problems, equip 2 Amber Energy Effectiveness, It is applied before the Nourish energy multiplier, resulting in massive energy gains.
For focus schools, I typically use Zenurik for the additional energy or Madurai for the additional damage and casting speed. Alternatively, If you are going for level 9999 endurance runs, then Vazarin for its sling should be considered too. Unairu, if I am going into a Defense Mission or Naramon for a melee-centric Frost.
Thank you for reading so far, Have a nice day!
- Theory Craft: Instead of using [Archon Flow] for the energy pool and 3 Crimson Ability Strength shards to supplement [Frost]'s strength. You could use 3 Azure Energy Max instead of [Archon Flow], move [Stretch] to where [Archon Flow] was, and equip Infensify or Umbra [Intensify] on the now empty mod slot for additional ability strength instead of Archon shards. I have yet to try this theory craft but I believe it should be more accessible to those lacking the Primed or Archon version of [Flow] and Crimson Ability Strength shards. This should give you about as much energy as equipping a regular [Flow] with 3 crimson strength shards. I am leaving this here for those who have sufficient archon shards who want to try it.