


Venari Prime

Venari - The giant slayer - 1 Shots level 180 Heavy Gunner

by last updated 2 years ago


Khora's will, Venari's fangs and claws.




60 / 60


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Venari Prime builds
Builds by Voodoo-30fps

Venari - The giant slayer - 1 Shots level 180 Heavy Gunner

Howdy folks!

If you ask me, Venari is the only companion who is worth building for damage so here is my build.

Final build stats:

  • 944 Armor | 1.820 HP
  • 86% Critical chance | 6.4x Critical Multiplier
  • 84% Status Chance (Viral, Slash and Heat procs)
    If the armor strip from [Sharpened Claws] procs, she can kill a Level 180 Heavy Gunner with 1 combo, otherwise it's still good enough. (Might upload a video in the future.)

Let's talk about the mods:

  • Enhanced Vitality + Metal Fiber -> Base status for Venari. Khora doesn't have too much Health and Armor so Metal Fiber provides more.

  • Primed Pack Leader -> Press E once or twice and your companion will be back to full hp.

  • Hunter Recovery -> [Venari] has good damage output so she can heal you even using the attacking stance. Also she deals Slash procs so she gets +25% damage on those enemies.

  • Maul + Bite -> Self explanatory. The build is made to deal damage so it benefits from Melee Damage (Venari only deals melee damage), Critical Chance and Critical Damage.

  • Sharpened Claws -> Extra damage and strips the armor of the enemy making it easy to kill.

  • Venom Teeth + Frost Jaw + Flame Gland -> Makes [Venari] apply viral and heat procs. Heat reduces the armor (it's used for the cases when [Sharpened Claws] doesn't do it's job) and Viral amplifies the damage on health. Just make sure you put them in the right order to have Viral + Heat. :D

Other viable mods choices:

  • Medi-Pet Kit - The heal is not significant since you have Pack Leader, and the Bleedout Reduction is useless.
  • Synth Fiber - Extra armor for your companion is always welcome.
  • Calculated Redirection (or Link Shields) + Hastened Deflection for shield gating effect
  • (Primed) Animal Instinct + Fetch if you want to take the looting route but I prefer to equip those on the 'standard' companion.
  • [Tek Assault] if you want 60% chances to cheat death. Not a big deal since you can revive Venari with some energy or you can wait for her to revive.
  • Link Health - If you have [Vitality] on [Khora]

You don't need to worry too much about her survivability since she has self revive or you can use some energy to skip the cooldown. 3 defensive mods are enough.


  • Good damage output and armor strip
  • Self-revive / Press a button to revive
  • 6 formas might be too much for some players
  • Maul and Bite consume a lot of credits and endo and those are not too useful for other companions


[Venari] is arguably the only companion who can deal good damage. Also she is somewhat immortal having the ability to respawn herself. You can also take the looting/utility route using Animal instinct and Fetch but I prefer to leave that job for the 'standard' companion.

Check out my other companion builds: