Khora's Arsenal | Venari Prime Catstick
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- 470
Pussycat Doll
- 4 Forma
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- 129
Venari - The giant slayer - 1 Shots level 180 Heavy Gunner
- 6 Forma
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- 100
Venari Prime
- 5 Forma
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- 74
by ninjase — last updated 3 months ago
Khora's will, Venari's fangs and claws.
3060 / 60
Multiple bond mods and [Pack Leader] now seem to work correctly on [Venari].
[Link Redirection] gives [Venari] a tiny amount of shields to allow it to shield gate.
[Tek Assault] lets [Venari] die even less.
[Tenacious Bond] gives free 1.2cd flat to Whipclaw with [Bite] on [Venari] claws
[Synth Deconstruct] drops health orbs for [Equilibrium]
[Aerial Bond] makes a 10m area of slow around [Venari]
[Tandem Bond] allows [Venari] to build combo for whipclaw without needing to manually attack
Viciois Bond allows [Venari] to strip armor
[Primed Animal Instinct] is optional for loot and [Enemy Radar]
[Primed Pack Leader] generates overguard on [Venari] as you use whipclaw