Top-Budget Series : Zarr low-cost build.
- No Primed Mods.
- No Riven.
- No Arcane.
Have you ever dreamed of the sea ? Discovering the wild beauty of the infinite ocean before your very own eyes ? Sailing away in quest of treasures, rum bottles, hidden islands full of exotic birds, beautiful mermaids calling your name...
Well, this may be a good start.
The standard [Zarr] may not be the strongest weapon of all time contrary to its Kuva counterpart, but it is still sufficiently good to whipe out the whole starchart in a deluge of steel and flames.
The [Zarr] have a huge advantage : it is the first weapon with a decent blast radius, allowing young Tennos to learn the correct definition of pragmatism.
- Replace Cautious-Shot with Rifle Ammo Mutation if you are using any warframe not affected by the stagger effect (Revenant, Rhino, Inaros...).
- Replace [Vigilante Armaments] with [Firestorm] if you want to increase the blast radius (it may help the primary fire to [Reach] enemies through walls).
When using the barrage mode : no quarter, go for the head.
With the fantastic power of blast-radius in your hands, you will really feel... like a Tzarr.
A true must-have at a friendly price.
About the Tob-Budget Series : the Top-Budget builds are addressed to players with high expectations but very little time and money to spend on luxurious and pricey content. "Top-Budget" is a french distributor brand of low-end food products like many other in the country. Like these distributors-owned brands, the goal is simple : to get the job done at an entry-level price. Some builds will require many formas like their high-grade counterpart, except you will not need any Primed Mods, Arcanes nor Rivens. Since the basic formas are easily farmable, I still think each of these builds will give you the most bang for your buck.