The goal of this build is to kill anything in the radius of 30m
This is achieved by breaking Thermal Sunder with Archon Vitality. This mod makes every Heat cast double the amount of Heat on an enemy - this scales infinitely. Blast cast is even more broken - every Heat cast TRIPLES the damage that the Blast cast deals. This scales very fast - after 3 Heat casts the Blast deals >200K damage.
Because this is a spam cast nuke build we use max efficiency, max range and [Primed Flow]. [Continuity] and [Augur Message] for Casting Speed from Redline and small shieldgates. [Enemy Radar] is important, because the usual Companion radar only covers the area around you where enemies are already dying, giving you little information on spawns.
The only Archon SHards that this build wants are for Casting Speed
Use Zenurik for more energy and some strength, Madurai for more casting speed and more strength, or Vazarin for survivability.