


Mirage Prime

Mirage: Xata's Whisper/Any - Prism Disruption

by last updated 3 years ago


Dazzle the opposition with this golden master of illusion and mayhem. Featuring altered mod polarities allow for greater customization.




60 / 60


Damage Reduction
Mirage Prime builds
Builds by F1ameBlade

Mirage: Xata's Whisper/Any - Prism Disruption

Mirage Gameplay Guide

[Mirage] is able to do extremely high damage while crowd controlling any enemies that survive the onslaught. Most of her kit relies on an inconsistent Light mechanic that influences her damage and survivability. The Light mechanic and her subpar defensive tools give her a very high skill ceiling in relation to maximizing her effectiveness.

📝 Build Overview 📝

Eclipse or Hall of Mirrors can make any enemy trivial but this build also utilizes Prism and Void procs to burst down high level Disruption Demolisher/Demolysts. This is a variant of the solo buffs build that makes a few buff concessions to as meta weapons should be able to carry your damage on regular enemies.

🔢 Helminth Options 🔢

Sleight of Hand is a weak ability in this build and it's the best candidate for replacement but we're forced to replace Eclipse due to using [Xata]'s Whisper.

[Xata]'s Whisper is necessary to utilize Prism against your target. Operator mode Amps can also do Void procs but they don't last long enough to be consistent.

Other abilities are decent but provide a lot of redundancy due to the existence of operator mode and the previously mentioned abilities.

📊 Ability Stats 📊

Strength and Duration are boosted on buff focused builds. Efficiency is kept a bit above the baseline and Range is sacrificed to fit in additional mods.

⏲️ Duration ⏲️

Duration allows your buffs to last longer and slightly reduces the energy cost of Prism. Additional Duration may be unnecessary as Hall of Mirrors and Eclipse are cheap to recast.

⛽ Efficiency ⛽

Hall of Mirrors and Eclipse are cheap so even a minimum efficiency build can keep both of them up with a few energy orbs. Prism can be fairly expensive though so we've boosted it a bit to keep it useful in more content. [Fleeting Expertise] is good but it has some slight negative synergy with your buffs so ultimately you'll end up spending around the same energy.

📏 Range 📏

Range is useless on this build and [Narrow Minded] has no downside. Adding additional mods to bring your Range back over the baseline isn't suggested unless you're running a subsumed ability that needs Range investment.

💪 Strength 💪

Strength is needed to keep Hall of Mirrors and Eclipse competitive. This much investment may be unnecessary so one source of Strength like Growing Power can be cut for other mods.

↔️ Alternate Playstyles ↔️

Most builds utilize tools that can be swapped out to serve the same purpose albeit in a different manner. The following suggestions are an outline and aren't exhaustive.

🔧 Mods 🔧

  • [Growing Power] is easy to proc and provides free ability Strength. It's the weakest source of Strength in this setup so it can be replaced with any other aura.
  • [Primed Sure Footed] is a strong defensive tool on a frame that doesn't have many in her base kit. It isn't necessary and can be replaced with any other exilus mod.
  • [Streamline] isn't necessary but it helps you to keep your energy economy in check with only a single source of energy regeneration. It's a flex mod if you're confident that you'll have enough energy for Prism.
  • [Rolling Guard] is necessary for mitigating high level enemy damage but it can be cut if you're using invisibility or Operator mode invincibility.
  • [Natural Talent] and [Speed Drift] significantly cut down on the long animation from Prism. Speed Drift only saves you about a fraction of a second so it's a flex mod if you need more Efficiency or Duration.
  • Augments won't help this build and we don't have any room for them. Prism Guard can even make this build impossible to use as it will keep the Prism above your head the entire time.

⚙️ Arcanes ⚙️

Arcane Energize synergizes with [Primed Flow] and keeps your energy topped off. It can be replaced if you have other strong forms of energy recovery either through abilities or other energy support frames. Offensive arcanes like Arcane Avenger or Arcane Strike are usually the call.

Arcane Aegis gives you a massive boost of survivability when it procs. It can be replaced if you don't like the low proc chance. Tertiary quality of life arcanes like Arcane Consequence or Arcane Agility are usually the call.

📋 Final Notes 📋

Eclipse and Prism have mechanics that are tied to environmental lighting. This system is difficult to quantify in a guide as there are countless small differences in lighting across dozens of tilesets. The user interface can be used to determine whether you're in Light or Shadow but unfortunately it doesn't tell you the exact degree at which you're being affected by either one. Some graphical settings like Classic/Enhanced or Dynamic Lighting can even determine the intensity of the buff. This inconsistency is balanced by each ability having a very high cap in either direction but make your best attempts to stay in appropriate lighting. Invisibility from any source temporarily snapshots your current lighting conditions which you can use to your advantage in areas with less ideal Light or Shadow.

Hall of Mirrors has issues with certain weapons and doesn't give the same damage bonuses or effects in all scenarios. The most consistent weapons are ones with large areas of effect or long range melee attacks. Listing off the exact interactions with each individual weapon would make this guide nearly unreadable.

Prism is powerful but relies on bright light and consistent laser damage to scale properly. There are many ways to do this but a few methods stand out. High Range and large groups of enemies can quickly ramp up the damage and it's the easiest to utilize. When the Prism passes through an enemy it momentarily hits them with every single laser at the same time so throwing it through enemies can work. A popular variant of this is using Void procs to trap the Prism inside a single enemy.

🔄 Linked Builds 🔄



Other Necessary Tools

📧 Contact Information 📧

Remnants of the Void / Phantom Vanguard Discord Server
If you have any questions or concerns please contact us through the Discord server. We appreciate all forms of support and welcome any criticism designed to help us improve. If you enjoyed this guide you can also support us by giving it a 👍 and sharing it with your friends!

This build is part of a collection that you can either find on the builder's profile or through a special bot we have in the Discord server. We have builds for every item in the game and we're adding new ones frequently. Come check it out!

🏆 Credits 🏆

  • NICHE - Developed tools that made generating builds far easier.
  • Dragazer - Helped to clarify certain melee interactions.
  • Marr - Helped with proofreading original build format.
  • Voltage - Assisted with Prism builds.
  • Modo - Has videos showing Prism level cap interactions.

🛑 Disclaimers 🛑

This build may make certain assumptions about mechanics that can change after a patch. Multiple unnecessary forma may be used to facilitate more options across multiple builds with one polarity plan. Certain sub-optimal mods may be run to fit them into the forma polarity plan. We do not make builds that purposely attempt to abuse mechanics that aren't intended by the developers. None of these previous statements are excuses for a fundamentally incorrect build and we ask that you please contact us when we're wrong. We do not consent to anyone other than the original author of this guide posting it without permission.