



Gara - ...but will it blend?

by last updated 4 years ago


Enemies are made fragile by Gara’s deadly touch. Gara’s vitric abilities provide her and her allies with survivability and deal high damage. Shatter the foe.




60 / 60


Damage Reduction
Gara builds
Builds by Bale

Gara - ...but will it blend?

How to be a garbage disposal unit. Press 2 or 4. Press the one you didn't press. Jump outside your new wall. Press or hold 1. Congratz, you're now a blender.

Stat Overview/rundown:

Strength - At least 130% for that sweet sweet 90% damage reduction. Anything less is no bueno, and anything over is just extra sauce. No reason to go balls deep 200%+ though.

Range - Alright, I've played a lot with this since I've been using [Gara]. Used a 45%ish build for a few months and then switched to a 145%. Negative range builds work, but I've found anything less than the base 100 unplayable after using the longer ranges.

Efficiency - Pretty easy, don't go under the base. 130% is comfortable with [Flow] and helps rebuild lost 'stacks' quickly. Fleeting might seem enticing but it isn't worth it, as half the build will be spent 'fixing' things. Efficiency leads to range. Range leads to strength. Strength leads to suffering. Don't give in to the dark side.

Duration - Anything under 183% (40s splinter storm) becomes unmanageable. Too much and I found myself forgetting to reapply it.

The Build:

I started this build guide as a simple test of how to incorporate [Adaptation] into my everyday build. Most of the useful mods for [Gara] are dashes (naramon), and the other polarity types lend themselves well to variations. Over the course of writing this guide I've made and tested a handful builds with this forma pattern. The mod choices as they are now are for 'end game' but it's pretty flexible.

The umbral mods are completely optional and can easily be swapped out for their normal counterparts. [Gara] has so much tank in her disappointingly flat caboose you don't need the extra health from [Umbral Vitality], and anything over 130% strength is just extra cheese.

[Primed Continuity] is a must with the end game build. Between it and [Constitution] [Gara] is just barely at 183% duration giving 40 seconds of blender goodness. Its a little tight, and I personally wouldn't go any lower. Might have to use some pizzas but once it gets going [Gara] is golden... usually. Want a little bit more cushion room on an everyday build? Drop the umbrals and adaptation for augur message. I find the 43-50 second mark enough to keep me engaged in her little mini game and also have time to pretend I'm a swiss army knife strapped to a fan.

Range is nice, which is why the build is running Stretch. Want a bit more range on an everyday build? Just drop them thar umbrals and slap in a cunning drift and/or an [Augur Reach]. It'll fit, trust me.

[Flow] and [Streamline] go hand in hand and fuel the whole combo nicely. [Flow] can be swapped out for something else or even just regular old [Flow]. I rarely find myself actually capped out on energy. The large pool helps a tone if I need to apply splinter storm to multiple targets. I've taken [Gara] into defections and carried without a healer thanks slapping splinter on the little buggers and turning them into a merry band of blenders.

[Adaptation], much like the umbral mods is of course completely optional. [Rolling Guard] is another great option and fits in nicely. Could even use the slot for [Overextended] or [Narrow Minded].

Power Drift vs Cunning Drift. They're both good. Players choice. I like Power Drift as knockdowns are annoying but the -friction/+side from Cunning is quite nice when [Gara] needs to get close to enemies to see if they'll blend.

Finally the aura, [Corrosive Projection]. There really isn't anything else to put in here save for [Power Donation] which is more than likely less helpful. If more mod space is needed there is always [Steel Charge], and if more energy is needed run [Energy Siphon].


Energize and Fury are probably the best. Energize should be self explanatory. As for Fury, bring a high crit/fire rate primary or secondary to trigger the buff and then use the combo to stack her damage just the bit faster.

Optionally, [Fury] can be swapped out for Grace or Aegis. I personally use spoiler mode for healing, with Arcane Repair.

Dual Nullifier arcanes are an option as well because magnetic procs suck, and the other mods are expensive. [Gara] will kill the pesky grineer security doors before they trigger, but the corpus roller derby dudes are almost as bad as nullifiers. Not going to lie, there are days I've contemplated using these.

Stat Stick:

TL;DR Build straight damage. No crit. No status chance. Just damage.

[Jaw Sword], [Dual Cleavers], and [Mire] are all great for this as they have mods for more damage. Should be noted that if her 1 is tapped it will do impact damage and if held down it will do slash. Slash should yield more damage. Mod based on personal preference.

Other builds without reforma:

Daily use - [Corrosive Projection], [Power Drift], [Umbral Intensify], [Primed Continuity], [Primed Flow], [Constitution], [Augur Message], [Streamline], [Stretch], and [Vitality]

Little bit of extra duration for the near perfect 46 second Splinter Storm at the cost of some defenses and a tab bit of strength.

The Wall - [Corrosive Projection], Cunning Drift, Umbral Intensify, Primed Flow, Transient Fortitude, Overextended, Stretch, Augur Reach, Fleeting Expertise (4/5), and Streamline (max).

This build clears most defense missions under 60 with a simple 4-1 combo faster than any other frame I've seen. Doesn't get much use but its a thing. Going over 175% helps in this case and there is room enough in the build for it. The loss in duration from max fleeding however, is less than helpful.