Warning : Heavy damages, hight resistance^^ (do not do cofee, but... near to do it)
cast 2 for the buff (more resist to damages), 3 for burn and [Protect] you a bit (mobs fall, and you heal yourself while you casting 3)
Spam 4, enjoy^^
Deactivate 2 if you burn to avoid your energy to be at 0% (when your mana is at 60 for exemple). If you have zenurik, use your ability, if nope, cast 3 and 4 without the 2 activated to have blue bubbles to [Regen] on the ground. Reactivate the 2, and return in the melee.
Bonus : when you are burning, and your energy's going, you can instant cast your fireball
Info : spam 3 is useless. Don't panic if you burn. You need to burn to have biggest damages! Just heal you with 3 when you need, and cut the 2 iif you need to regen energy.
Use it too to CC mobs.
So, at low lvl your cycle can be : 3-4-4-4-4 3-4-4-4-4 etc....
On high level more : 3-4-4- 3-4-4 etc (to perma-CC mobs)
To have tried it, [Adaptation] is useless on this build. (your CC and heal are your defense! You have more survability with your heal than with your [Adaptation] mod I find.)
I personaly think augment your range is not usefull too. The frame has naturally an amazing range.(and I prefer see cute heavy numbers under my meteors :3 ) Plus, you have a damage buff if more ennemies are in your AOE, but you need more energy to use your 4. You do more damage with 4 Xmeteors, than with one or two meteors with the buff. So I prefer don't have a big range
You can switch growing powder for [Corrosive Projection] (need one more forma).
If you have a team which hasn't strong capabilities to erase shield, it can be a safer choice for high level maps.
A last thing to know : jumpcast! You can cast your abilyties while you jump. So do it ;p And... see the world in a new way :3