Please like if the guide and build was helpful to you!
Why raw damage? Because it does the most damage (compared to the status or crit build)!
1. Raw damage: 483k burst & 376k sustained.
2. Crit build: 384k burst, & 289k sustained. NOTE: used PHC and PC
3. Status build: 370k burst & 289k sustained. NOTE: used PHC + two 60/60
Mod your elemental combos to your likings, I prefer the following combo:
[Galvanized Crosshairs] cannot be equipped on [Dex Pixia Prime], most likely because the mod is an Acolyte mod which are not compatible with exalted weapons.
Why Hornet Strike when we have Galvanized Shot? Early damage helps to kill stuff early on to get the galvanized stacks up.