Updated as of 27.3.7:
(S)imulacrum tested as the best "all around" build. For reload speed/utility, you could swap out one of the dual stat mods for [Chilling Reload] or whatever your utility mod is. If a riven is necessary, swap for sweeping serration.
While Shotgun Savy can reduce TTK on some high health/armor enemies that take multiple shots (I.E Corrupted Heavy Gunners), it increases the average cross-faction TTK making the weapon worse overall. The compound elements from the dual stat mods are worth more than the additional status
Updated as of 27.3:
With the new status changes, this build may not be fully optimized anymore, however, it is better than 4 dual stat mods (in place of [Vigilante Armaments] and [Chilling Reload]). Going to add an additional forma and test some mods in place of [Chilling Reload] to find the most optimal build.
While 100% status can be achieved on this gun by swapping [Vigilante Armaments] and [Chilling Reload] for dual stat mods, a majority of the DPS of this gun is from the slash AOE procs. This build benefits more from base damage than 100% status because of that.