Mod Breakdown:
Condition Overload - Increase base melee damage (for best results use Primer)
Sacrificial Steel - Increase critical chance over 100% resulting in crits every hit
Blood Rush - Keeps increasing crits resulting in orange crits and eventually red crits
Amalgam Organ Shatter - Increased crit multiplier and heavy atack wind up speed
Gladiator Might - Increased crit multiplier and crit chance
Weeping Wounds - Increased status chance
Primed Fever Strike - Deals toxin status effect
Berserker Fury - Increased attack speed
Dreamer's Wrath - Enables tennokai with increased chance and increased crit damage
Mod Swaps:
Amalgam Organ Shatter - Swap for regular Organ Shatter for more crit damage but with less heavy atack wind up speed
Berserker's Fury - Swap for [Quickening] for less atack speed but easier combo counter increase or Primed Fury for slightly less attack speed with no conditional
Dreamer's Wrath - Swap with Discipline's Merit for more consistancy in hitting tennokai and less heavy attack damage
Arcanes Recomendations:
Melee Animosity - Adds additional stacks to enemies affected by status effects
Melee Afflictions - Additional crit chance atack on heavy attack
Melee Crescendo - after a finisher gain initial combo for the rest of the mission