Hello guys !
It's been a while, yes ! A lot of thing cames out to Warframe since [Sevagoth Prime] update.
Now, it's the turn to [Xaku Prime], [Trumna Prime] & [Quassus Prime] !
Let's take a Look to the Trumna Prime, aka the "Coffin" Prime.
What about this weapon ?
The Trumna Prime have an "old like" Incarnon alt-fire.
- After killing 5 ennemies with the primary fire, it'll charge your alt-fire (near your reticle, like Incarnon weapons) wich release boucing BALLS (yea) that explode on contact. Each "balls" can bounce un to 4 times.
Mods & Arcane Explanation
- [Stabilizer] because this thing got a HUUUUUGE Recoil. (I know you don't have to aim in Warframe, but for the Trumna it's like impossible to hit ennemies without -weapon recoil mods...)
- Amalgam Serration for base damage & sprint speed
- Galvanized Chamber for multishot (More Multishot means more bouncy BALLS :D )
- Critical Delay & Vital Sense for Crit' Chance & Crit' Damage. (Negative Fire-Rate is not a problem)
- [Malignant Force] & [Rime Rounds] to make Viral and gain more Status Chances. Gain +325% Damage to health at 10 Stacks too ! (And x1.5 Damage to Orokin, but I don't care about this part personally)
- Vile Acceleration for Fire-Rate buff. (Only affect the primary fire)
Hammer Shot for more Critical Dmg & Status Chance (Good to stack Heat status !)
And Primary Merciless, for additional base damage % and Reload Speed. Yup, it went from 5s to 4s, but it's still LONNNG.
Have a nice day ! :3
If you have questions, feel free to ask. (My english is not perfect lol)