Hit the target first with 1-3 aoe attacks While ur getting close to preprime with Cold,Heat & some Blast + Viral To really scale [Galvanized Shot] & Buildup some Cascadia Flare power before u go in for the Charged shot kill (Headshot preferably) & most things will die in 1 or 2 hits :) Has the potential of 40-50 million Headshot crits roughly speaking.
Playing [Sevagoth] also applies an additional Headshot multiplier :)
u could always run Galva Crosshairs over [Lethal Torrent], but ur general aoe run & gun pump would be worse off.
My setup is a good mixture of both aoe & single charged shot.
[Trick Mag] is optional but basically doubles ur ammo pool if u just wanna braindead spam abit more ;) either that or Recoil reduction for the charge shooting.
(U could also try the new Weakpoint mods turning this into an insane headshotter) But u would lose the aoe & the multishot aspect of it so not too sure about that heh.
Thanks for the all upvotes <3