Most builds with [Inaros] don't realise strength doesn't scale with his 4 which is his main property. It depends on his max health which yes is weird but fits really well. This build is to help those either use a good build or to just have a base idea.
Augment, Shards and Arcanes
The [Elemental Sandstorm] can be swapped I just prefer have extra status on enemies for faster killing. For Shards use two greens with the corrosive stack Perk and the other three I use extra armour as why not but it's personal choice. The arcanes are also personal choice
How it works:
To start of any mission use his scarab shell to get the extra armour and then use sanstorm to [Regen] it while clumping enemies to together before using his 4 to spread armour stripping corrosive and create the sand cats to spread it faster. After that just use his sandstorm to clump enemies and kill them. Repeat process and use his pocket sand if your really needing the health as it gives a big chunk back. And then have fun not dying and when you do the sand cats will get you back really fast.
Other gear and companion:
Personally I love using beam weopons or aoe weopons on his as it clears the clumped enemies faster but it's not needed. For companions I'm using a [Vasca Kavat] as both work with health and it's finny having a Kavat that can ressurect you and still have lots of health left but still working for a build for it.
Have fun not dying and passing around sand to enemies the proper way