Dex Furis: General Use
- 5 Forma
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- 70
Overkill Dex Furis
- 7 Forma
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- 21
Status Dex Furis
- 7 Forma
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- 11
20k dmg, good status chance
- 3 Forma
- Short Guide
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- 9
by DankoLord — last updated 9 months ago
A gift from the Lotus to commemorate the anniversary of the first Tenno waking from Cryo stasis.
3060 / 60
The [Dex Furis] has some really meh dmg and crit stats but a fine amount of status chance, which is why it's a prime example of a weapon that can make good use of cascadia empowered.
Cascadia Empowered does not care about damage, elemental dmg or crit stats, which is why [Galvanized Shot] and [Hornet Strike] are a no go. It can however benifit from faction mods.
To get the most out of a cascadia empowered build we need to build for as much status and multishot as we reasonably can. Why? To proc CE's flat dmg on each status, which is why multishot is required.
As you may have noticed, the [Dex Furis] is a bullet hose with an insane base fire rate of 20 attacks per second, which is why I recommend using ammo mutation and having a [Carrier] accompany you.
[Accelerated Isotope] is a flex slot, I've no idea what to put there tbh.