Focus Farming - The quick and comfy path.
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- 2016
Capacitance Volt | General Use Steel Path/Endurance
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- 825
Eidolon DPS
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- 442
ESO Nuke
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- 276
by TDoooG_G — last updated 2 years ago
A glorious warrior from the past, Volt Prime features the same abilities as Volt but with unique mod polarities for greater customization.
3060 / 60
DPS Setup for my [Volt], there quite a few different combo of mods you can do to achieve a DPS build.
Main point is just being over 254% str, have the [Shock Trooper] augment, [Narrow Minded], [Vitality], and [Vigorous Swap]
[Sprint Boost], [Dead Eye], & [Holster Amp] are other options for auras
Damage buffs you can subsume are Empower, Roar, Smite(needs augment) or Eclipse(Strongest Option, yes it works even tho its night time)
If no umbral forma, either: A- u.vit & rank 2 adapt or B- normal vit & rank 6 adapt.( I suggest B)(but you should really just use an Umbral Forma on him, they are easy to get a hold of)
Adaptation will bug out if you leave the Plains with stacks of DR still in your buff/hud bar. If you dont feel like tracking/dealing with that I would suggest two armor shards as a replacement and use Lightning Rod(from hydrolyst attacks), Rolling Guard, (Primed)Continuity, or (Primed)Flow in its place.
[Rubico] is better rivenless and doesnt require a special Baro mod([Primed Chamber]), but if you have a riven for [Vectis] and [Primed Chamber] it is my preferred choice.(I wont be suggesting zenith here because of the extensive setup it requires to function)
Other DPS options
Other volt builds
ESO Nuke:
VS/Shielder Eidolons:
General Run N' Gun:
Polarities shared across all builds.