A simple Razorwing only build to deal with bosses such as Archons, Fragmented One (60 eyes), among others.
Helminth can be Roar or Eclipse as well. [Xata]'s is used here as it's recastable for shield gating ease and works well against The Murmur enemies, whose Indifferent Facade health takes more damage from void.
Brief mod explanations:
Primed Flow and Preparation are a huge QoL, allowing you to save energy pads and start every mission with maxed energy.
Equilibrium easily maintains energy economy
[Brief Respite] makes shield gating easy. Recast Helminth or Spellbind to refill shields. Can be replaced by Aerodynamic for health tanking.
[Catalyzing Shields] allows for easy shield gating during Razorwing. [Rolling Guard] can be considered instead, but at a cooldown. Adaptation as well for HP tanking builds with Aviator aura and possible Thorns buff from Tribute.
Energize can be changed for Steadfast or even a different Arcane type, like Molt Augmented, if you feel confident with your current energy economy.
Build alternatives:
[Umbral Intensify] and Narrow can be dropped for more range if you wish to make use of Spellbind or Lantern crowd control. Consider using Spellbound Harvest if so, for more energy.
The amount of strength needed for [Razorwing Blitz] can be left to personal preference, as too much can make controlling Titania difficult. Remember you can stop sprinting to make movement easier.
Helminth can also go over Lantern if you wish to use Tribute
Dex Pixia and Diwata builds for Archon/The Murmur:
Dex Pixia: