One-handed SMG with a high fire-rate. Despite the fact that all slots but the exilus are polarized, this configuration has a lot of flexibility depending on your play-style.
This particular build focuses on having an accurate, low-recoil spray of bullets with a high crit chance and passable status chance. It's built with headshots in mind, and Pax [Seeker] further enhances the ones you land. Given its high fire rate, it should proc one of its several status types fairly often.
Where high-level content is concerned, it's built primarily for synergies with other weapons. [Condition Overload] builds will benefit from the multiple status types it's capable of inflicting, while the weapon itself will benefit from anything capable of increasing either the frequency or damage of headshots and other damage multipliers like [Banshee]'s Sonar.
In particular, I like to pair this weapon with [Scourge]'s thrown attack to literally rain death down on large groups of fodder enemies.