SP General Use and Endurance (i.e. level 500 to 9999) focused Kullervo build.
Subsume over 4:
- Silence - briefly stuns enemies for 2s and prevents special abilities such as eximus and acolytes. Savage Silence augment is optional as it forces 700% melee stealth multiplier but only during the 2s stun animation.
- Shooting Gallery - with [Muzzle Flash] augment blinds enemies and forces a 700% melee stealth multiplier (which is additive to a weapons critical damage multiplier).
- Nourish - gives energy multiplier allowing you to sustain 45 efficiency better and gives extra viral elemental damage
- Quiver arrow - Cloak arrow makes you invisible for cheesy survivability
- Breach Surge - creates cascading sparks via collective curse
Full melee tank (lycath): https://overframe.gg/build/494127/kullervo/full-mecha-jacket-maximum-ehp-melee-tank-kullervo-lycaths-hunt/
Full nourish tank: https://overframe.gg/build/495248/kullervo/nourish-energy-tank-kullervo/
Pure ability DPS: https://overframe.gg/build/494140/kullervo/mechanized-daggers-mecha-set-pure-ability-dps-kullervo-roar-non-melee/
- Tap 1 on an enemy for Wrathful Advance to teleport you to that enemy, heavy attack then gain a FLAT ADDITIVE 400%+ crit chance boost to your melees for about 12s. ALTERNATIVELY if you are not using a heavy spam weapon, invert tap/hold controls and use Tap 1 to teleport around while benefiting from the crit boost.
- Tap 3 for Collective Curse to curse a large group of enemies in a 65 degree cone over an huge 60m range. Attacking any of these cursed enemies with his 4 or a x12 heavy attack i.e. either manually or using 1, will transfer 100% of the damage to all other cursed enemies (only the instance of initial hit and resulting bleed damage but not the slash status itself).
- Tap 2 to gain overguard whenever depleted to refresh overguard gate.
- If not subsumed over, Tap 4 for Storm of Ukko to create a 23m zone of slash damage and slash procs which can deal slash damage + status to enemies, stun enemies and generate combo to maintain you at x12.
Positive duration is mainly needed for the cc buff from 1. 3 and 4 both have quite long duration already so we don't need to go to excessive.
Neutral or positive efficiency with [Primed Flow] and [Equilibrium] would be ideal for energy economy. If you have energy issues, consider adding streamline. Other energy sources include Archon Stretch (proc via Diriga/Hound), [Grimoire] [Xata Invocation], Primary Exhiliarate, Emergence Dissipate, Zenurik, [Tenet Glaxion]
Range is needed for the radius of 3 and 4.
A strength threshold of 200% lets Collective Curse distribute 100% of damage so this is all we really need to hit.
Completely flexible.
[Corrosive Projection] reduces armor by 18% which is effectively a 1.8x damage multiplier.
[Growing Power] gives minor strength boost
Arcane [Fury] gives melee damage
Arcane Strike gives melee attack speed
Molt Augmented gives more strength to boost wrathful advance
Archon Shards
1 Cast Shard
Remainder into Tauforged Violet Melee Crit Damage shards.
We can use Pure Heavy spam x5, Hybrid x12 heavy or x12 Heavy Spam builds best with [Kullervo]. This means you have option of both spamming light attacks and using x12 heavy attacks.
The strongest x12 heavy weapons with a forced slash proc are (in order from strongest to weakest):
1. Hate (Incarnon): https://overframe.gg/build/494117/
2. Quassus: https://overframe.gg/build/494400/
3. Tenet Livia: https://overframe.gg/build/494405/
4. Dokrahm - Korb - Ruhang II: https://overframe.gg/build/496181/dokrahm/kullervos-arsennal-pure-x12-heavy-spam/
5. [Anku] Incarnon
6. [Azothane]
7. [Pennant]
Other good options include: [Glaive Prime], [Reaper Prime], [Tatsu Prime], [Tenet Grigori], [Keratinos], [Venka Prime], [Nikana Prime], [Skiajati], [Sepfahn]
Note for each of these, when using with Kullervo due to his 75% heavy efficiency passive, you can remove reflex coil for Sacrificial Steel.