Built for level cap Grineer demolysts, use a different bane as needed. Requires a good viral primer such as [Kuva Nukor] for anything above level 500. Armor strip is not necessary, just prime, build up combo, and heavy attack. Magus Lockdown is HIGHLY recommended on your operator, even at min rank.
You can also swap out Berserker Fury for Quickening or Primed Fury for faster combo build or ease of use respectively.
If you'd like to forma again you can swap Voltaic Strike for Shocking Touch for slightly more damage however if the target is fully primed it'll likely be oneshot regardless. You could also use Focus Energy for the efficiency but even if you mess up tennokai, gunblade combo is really easy to build back up.
Dreamer's Wrath giving extra crit damage is nice but for more consistency with tennokai you can use Discipline's Merit instead