



Rift Surge is your friend! Use it.

by last updated 5 years ago


Master the rift between shadow and substance. Limbo disrupts time-space to provide crowd control. He is at home where others struggle with what is real.




60 / 60


Damage Reduction
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Limbo builds
Builds by clonmac

Rift Surge is your friend! Use it.

This is a long range and duration build for [Limbo].

I see a lot of people who push builds for [Limbo] criticize long range builds on [Limbo] and say that [Limbo] doesn't need long range to be useful. I'm going to give out a secret here though that these people seem to miss and I see a lot of [Limbo] player's not utilizing one of his best abilities.

Rift Surge. This is the ability right here that alleviates one of people's biggest gripes when playing with a [Limbo]. It is also one of the abilities that people aren't utilizing when I see people say that Limbos should go with minimized range in their builds.

The biggest gripe when playing with a [Limbo] is that they can't hit enemies outside of the rift (mainly outside of cataclysm). Rift Surge solves this problem. But it mainly only solves the problem when using a larger ranged build.

The purpose of high range in the build isn't to just have a cataclysm bubble that is as large as possible. The main purpose is to have the radial banish radius from Rift Surge as large as possible. With this build (range @ 280%), that radial banish radius is 14 meters. That's HUGE.

What this means then is that at the perimeters of your Cataclysm, as the bubble shrinks, the enemies at the edge exit the rift which will trigger the radial banish from Rift Surge. This will then send anyone outside the rift into the rift as well at a distance of 14 meters beyond the cataclysm bubble. This allows warframes inside Cataclysm to hit enemies well beyond the exterior of Catacylsm even as it shrinks and solves one of [Limbo]'s biggest hindrances for his teammates.

Also, given [Limbo]'s large Cataclysm size, most of the area will be inside the bubble covering most of the combat zone to begin with. This is the best way to ensure that teammates don't need to deal with which enemies are inside or outside of the rift.

This also solves a common problem that [Limbo] faces himself. The problem where enemies at the edge perimeter enter Cataclysm only to be popped back out as it shrinks. So you end up having enemies that only are in Cataclysm in the rift for a few seconds. If they have Rift Surge applied when they enter Cataclysm, then you don't need to worry about enemies being forced out of the rift as the bubble shrinks.

So the strategy with this build is to utilize Rift Surge as much as possible. While within Cataclysm, cast Rift Surge every 10 seconds or so just to ensure all enemies in the rift have Rift Surge applied.

Also, with the [Rift Torrent] augment, you'll be boosting the damage you do by a ton, given the large numbers of enemies that you'll be able to bring into the rift. It also provides a helpful indicator in the top right corner to be able to see how many new enemies you applied Rift Surge to indicated by the damage percentage boost shown.

Energy and survivability isn't a problem for [Limbo]. He gains 10 energy every time he kills someone in the rift, so energy efficiency or a large energy pool is not needed. Also, there is no need for any survivability mods since the rift and stasis is one of the best survivability mechanisms in the game. On top of that, with shield gating now implemented, he has plenty of time to react to incoming damage.

Also, another bonus of Rift Surge is for protection. If you use Rift Surge frequently while in Cataclysm, then when you pop the Cataclysm bubble either manually or when it expires, you'll exit the rift, but everyone around you will still be in the rift. This provides you an immediate way to segregate yourself from all the enemies around you. Plus, because Cataclysm can be cancelled regardless of the state you're in (knocked down, etc), then it gives you a way to react to any situation and provides yourself a way to instantly escape a dangerous situation.

The arcanes are mostly up to you.

Situations/Missions Limbo excels at:
-Defense/Mobile Defense
-Missions w/lots of enemies

Situations/Missions Limbo may have trouble with:
-Missions with sparse enemies

One final note, [Limbo] requires large amounts of enemies with this build to be able to sustain energy easily to justify that casting costs of his abilities. The more enemies [Limbo] is facing, the stronger he gets (much like [Nidus]). [Limbo] is a cast heavy warframe that requires a lot of setup and casting to work. The more enemies you can push into the rift, the better energy supply you'll have. Therefore any mission where there are only a few enemies here and there, then it is hard to sustain casting abilities without some type of energy [Regen]. Thankfully there are plenty of sources for that (Rift [Regen], Zenurik, Arcane Energize, etc).

Remember, Rift Surge is your friend. Use it as it is [Limbo]'s most underutilized and misunderstood ability.
