To maintain the purpose of this build, at most, Streamline and exilus slots (Handspring) are interchangeable with anything, depending on preference. Recommended exilus mods are Coaction Drift, Power Drift, Vigilante Pursuit or any bullet jump exilus mod.
Streamline is preferred mainly for ability recasting / spamming and longer lasting Hysteria. Also very convenient in energy reduction sortie, allowing Warcry to be casted right away.
Using Streamline, Warcry can be cast with the energy you start with and held throughout the mission with Eternal War.
[Continuity] boosts the upkeep efficiency of Hysteria, but also offers longer [Eternal War] duration and gains, up to around 40 seconds, very rarely running out from lack of kills from delayed enemy spawns or inactivity. It will be maintained between Endless wave timers, as compared to running less duration which would likely require recasting. It's also useful, specifically through increasing Warcry's duration, for slowing bosses, e.g. Plains Thumpers, Lephantis.
Eternal War is generally mandatory, but can be replaced with Enraged for Disruptions.
Adaptation improves facetanking considerably in somewhat long Endless missions / early Steel Path and most noticeably preventing health melting from toxin clouds and corpus beams. It's also situationally convenient if needing to stand still for a few seconds or longer. A lower rank version is required in exchange for modding capacity for more important mods, while it remains very usable even at a low rank.
Hunter Adrenaline (marginally superior version of Rage in exchange for higher capacity drain and is much easier to obtain) is mainly purposed for:
Endless infestation missions where energy is constantly being drained by the overwhelming amount of common leeches.
Situations where energy orbs aren't dropping which can be often.
*Tight situations in high runs where one hit is enough to refill your energy for Hysteria. This is especially useful for reviving allies, carrying points in arbitrations and moving through hordes, so tight that they are basically a collision wall, to get to the arbitration drone, popping out of Hysteria for the kill and back in.