Hi! I'm Neklas.Octan(my ign on PC)
Nekros was my mainframe for 4 years. He is KING NEKROS, not just a looter boi or tanky army.
We will take advantage of Shield Gating. By re-casting 4th skill every 10 - 20 seconds
This is my non-Umbral Mod Set build for our King [Nekros]. I use Adaptaion + Arcane Guardian for basic tanker. And,
214% STRENGTH for 90% Damage [Redirection](Reduction) from Shield of Shadows.
Molt Augmented helps you to [Reach] 214% strength to maximize Shield of Shadows.
Also, thank DE for his AUG mod Despoil to perfectly sync with Equilibrium to make him can run with no issue of Energy.
I use [Khora]'s Ensnare to replace his 1st, which gives him more large CC abilities.
You can replace [Adaptation] with Creeping Terrify to prevent enemies run away. The combo is Ensnare then cast his Terrify to strip armor and slow-down enemy.
Another great CC skill is Gloom, you can replace this with his 1st skill also.
The purpose of using Khora's Ensnare is target-grouping, higher kill per second.
Primary Weapon:
*) New lazy AOE Tombfinger
1) Braton Prime and build
2) Nagantaka and build
3) Zenith and build
Secondary Weapon:
Epitaph to apply status on enemies and also CC them with Cold proc
Melee weapon:
Any strong slash-based melee.