TLDR: This Build bundles enemies with her 2 and uses a Epitaph Viral/Elec primer to boost dmg before using Sickening Pulse
Main Guide
This is my personal build for [Gyre] that I've been enjoying so far.
I use a [Epitaph] Viral Electric primer for her since her Crit% from her passive scales with the number of electric procs on the target and Viral is self explanatory.
She can deal surprisingly high damage in Steel Path and other parts of the game due to her passive granting her up to 300% Critical Chance (Tier 1 Red Crits)
Her 1st ability, Arcspheres is a Inconsistent CC and has Mediocre damage, all combined with the fact that she's capped at 3 whilst someone like [Protea] get's as many of her slash nades as she wants will never cease to confuse me. All of that makes this the helminth slot without question.
Her 2nd ability, Coil Horizon is a Bowling ball style ability that if recasted or left rolling for a few seconds will make a 12m vortex that pulls enemies into one spot & holds them there for a brief moment. This ablity also has a forced electric proc and does incredibly nice damage so this will be your primary source of damage.
Her 3rd ability, Cathode Grace grants FLAT crit chance to her abilities and Modded Crit chance to weapons (Similar to [Point Strike]) & gives Energy [Regen]. To balance this DE gave the ability a 60 second cooldown That scales with nothing and a 8 second duration (Scales with duration), however every enemy you kill regardless of how you killed them will add back 3 seconds(Also scales with Duration) letting you get the duration to go as high as 60s. The cooldown will tick down while the ability is active so technically if you keep killing it lasts forever.
Her 4th ability, Rotorswell emits a 4m AoE around [Gyre] that will deal electric dmg to enemies inside and has a High chance of proccing electric. Any time [Gyre] crits with this ability active a "Discharge" will go off at the target location, striking the target with lighting and chaining electricity to nearby enemies, this effect for some odd reason has a semi short internal cooldown so bear that in mind. This ability can be recast.
We're using Shield-Gating with 2 Augur Mods & Brief Respite since at the time of posting this (5/8/22) her survivability is questionable and she could use the defense.
Arcane Energize isn't required but is nice to keep our energy high since we'll be spamming abilities to keep our Shield-Gate up. Any ability cast from our kit will reset it so if your shields go down just hit any button and you'll be safe, preferably your 2 since it's the fastest.
Second arcane is preference but I personally prefer Arcane Aegis since it can occasionally give me 12 seconds of effective immortality. Damage buffing arcanes are fully usable here, go nuts.
High Strength keeps our base dmg high so we can blast through enemies quickly.
Range lets our 2 group up more enemies and allows our 4 to have a larger discharge range for minor CC and spreading electric procs.
Duration keeps our 3 & 4 up longer which saves us energy and lowers any potential downtime you might end up with on your 3 due to it's 60 second cooldown.
[Natural Talent] is personal choice and can be another strength mod if you feel it's needed.
Exilus slot is completely personal preference so it's up to you.
Helminth Options
You have a decent handful of options for [Gyre] but the only ability you should be replacing is her 1, Arcspheres Inconsistent CC and Mediocre damage make this the helminth slot without question
I use Sickening Pulse mainly because as far as I've seen, Expedite Suffering doesn't work for electricity.
Pillage works well for Defense Strip (Shields & Armor), Shield gating & Status cleansing all in one button. Honestly I debated very heavily on using this over sickening but it's up to you.
Any Armor Strip works for her so Fire Blast is not bad either since it's incredibly spammy and will also reset your Shield-Gate every cast.
Breach Surge is a nice AoE Blind that can give you some damage chains from it's sparks however [Gyre]'s passive Crit% will NOT work on this.
Roar is the best dmg boosting option for [Gyre] due to her DoT nature.
Shooting Gallery with it's agument provides a very consistent AoE Blind that goes through walls so it's considerable if you can fit the aug.
Gyre loves anything that is Crit/Status hybrid so most weapons nowadays fit her well. She does want some kind of Primer for getting Viral/Electric built up quickly.
[Bubonico] fits all 3 requirements so that is pretty much the go to.
[Epitaph] & [Zakti Prime] are fantastic primers if your are looking to free up your primary slot.
Any Melee weapon works for her so pick your favorites.