One of the strongest weapons in the game currently. The primary fire feels like a lex prime but hits a truck. Getting 12 headshots charges up it's Incarnon mode (can be shortened to about 3-4 shots with multishot). Switching to Incarnon mode with alt-fire makes it feel like a pocket [Acceltra] with small AOE on impact but with significant damage. This build is a raw damage crit oriented build using Overwhelming Attrition.
Secondary Enervate could be best in slot for arcane
Pistol Acuity is flexible over Galv Diffusion if you headshot alot as Acuity is multiplicative to crit mods, but will make the charging of incarnon charge much worse.
Evolution Choices
Evolution I - Incarnon mode
Evolution II - Rapid Wrath: +20% Fire rate. Can use recoil perk if you don’t use one of Secondary Deadhead or Steady hands.
Evolution III - Lethal Rearmament: +90% reload speed on headshot at 3 stacks, but only affects untransformed. Currently the Feather of Justice perk is bugged in that it applies to other weapons
too, but I expect this will get patched
Evolution IV - Caput Mortuum: +50% headshot damage
Evolution V - Overhwleming Attrition: non-crit and non-status hits trigger a +400% bonus for 20s, up to 1200% which is additive to Hornet Strike/Deadhead.
When not taking into account [Xata]'s whisper, Overwhelming Attrition has a higher average damage multiplier and is more consistent when compared to Devouring Attrition when taking into account headshots. This is because having an additive 1200% bonus active for ALL shots including critical hit and headshots averages out to be higher.
Calulations of Devouring Attrition vs Overwhelming Attrition
Devouring Attrition
With no crit mods + hornet strike (2.2) + deadhead (3.6) + elemental excess (-10% crit):
- 88% chance to do no crit with 50% chance to get 2000% multiplicative with hornet strike/deadhead
- 44% chance to do 21x(1+3.6+2.2)=142.8x
- 44% chance to do 1+3.6+2.2 = 6.8x - 12% chance to crit and do (1+3.6+2.2) x 2.2=14.96x
Average Damage multipliers
Bodyshots: 44%x142.8 + 44%x6.8 + 12%x14.96=67.6192x on bodyshot
Headshots: 75% x (44%x142.8 + 44%x6.8 + 12%x2x14.9) + 25% x (44%x142.8 + 44%x6.8 + 12%x2x14.9) x 3 x 1.3 = 135x on headshots
(Now that the AOE component doesnt get headshot multiplier, only 25% of the damage receives the 3x headshot multi. Deadhead still appies 1.3x to both AOE and non AOE parts, and is also multiplicative to the base 3x multiplier.)
Overwhelming Attrition
Assuming 100% uptime at max stacks giving additive 1200% on all hits with galvanized crosshairs (max stacks), primed target cracker and secondary deadhead (max stacks):
- 92% crit chance to do (1+3.6+12) x 4.62=76.692x
- 8% chance to not crit 1+3.6+12= 16.6x
This table compares Devouring Attrition in the build above, compared to Overwhelming Attrition with [Hornet Strike] + [Accelerated Isotope] replaced by [Galvanized Crosshairs] + [Primed Target Cracker], takes into account the average DPS of both direct hit and AOE components on a single target, as well as the raw DPS and heat status DPS:
Use Devouring Attrition if you don't want to bother aiming at heads
Use Overwhelming Attrition if you plan on aiming at heads very consistently or plan on using flat crit buffs (e.g. Harrow/Citrine/Sevagoth WITH Xata's Whisper).
See Devouring Attrition build here:
Mod Breakdown
[Galvanized Diffusion]: +230% multishot at max stacks, meaning you get at least 3 bullets per shot with a 30% chance for 4. This allows you to basically do 3x more damage AND charge incarnon mode 3x faster.
[Galvanized Crosshairs]: At max stacks gives +320% critical chance making a final crit chance of 92%. Even at such as high crit chance, you still have approximately 5% chance per shot to activate a stack of Overwhelming, meaning approximately one shot in every 20 shots activates the buff (consider you can shoot about 12 shots per second with multishot and fire rate, meaning you will have a 20s buff refreshed every 2s). [Primed Pistol Gambit] is an alternative to Crosshairs. NOTE You only get the +320% crit chance when AIMING down sights. This means you can actually exceed 100% crit chance with stacking Primed Pistol Gambit or Cascadia Overcharge, but still activate overwhelming attrition by shooting while not aiming down sights.
Primed Target Cracker: Adds +110% crit multiplier to hit 4.6x
Primed Expel: A further 1.55 multiplier to hornet strike/deadhead and Devouring Attrition and double dips on heat procs giving them 2.4x multiplier. Use regular expel mod if no primed version as it is still a 1.3 or 1.69x multiplier. Flexible for primed fulmination or hornet strike if you dont like faction mods.
[Lethal Torrent]: Brings multishot to 3.9 so 90% of shots give 4 bullets, and gives fire rate (combined Rapid Wrath gives +80% fire rate total)
[Primed Convulsion] + Pathogen Rounds: makes corrosive, high raw damage against ferrite armor and armored enemies, corrosive status strips armor
[Primed Heated Charge]: Big elemental mod bonus on pistols to multiply raw damage. Heat procs also strip armor by 50% and can stack indefinitely, which each new stack refreshing all existing stacks.
Steady Hands: Combines with Deadhead to give -100% recoil for laser point accuracy. [Lethal Momentum] is an alternative but this requires changing polarity.
We do not need to run [Hornet Strike] or galv shot because Overwhelming Attrition is additive, but if you have empty slots these can be added.
Secondary Fortifier is great qol for getting overguard and killing thrax/eximus even faster.
Scondary Deadhead is mainly run for the -recoil and +headshot bonus.
Secondary Outburst is best in slot if you can run x12 combo on your melee eg manually build once every 30s or use [Ceramic Dagger] with riven. This gives +240% CC and CD, meaning you can drop Galv Crosshairs for Accelerated Isotope.
If armor stripping against Grineer/Corrupted: Use Viral Heat (swap Primed Convulsion for cold mod)
For Corpus: Make Toxin by swapping convulsion+heated charge for Pistol Pestilence + Anemic agility/Augur Pact/magnum force. Toxin bypasses shields. Swap to Primary Deadhead
For Angels/Eidolon/Murmur/Archon: Swap Pathogen Rounds for Anemic Agility/Augur Pact/Magnum force to make pure Radiation. Swap to Primary Deadhead
Orange Crit Laetum - Cascadia Overcharge/Secondary Outburst
Combining [Galvanized Crosshairs] and Cascadia Overcharge can give you a total of +620% crit chance for a final crit chance of 158% on aiming down sights with overshields, or approx 60% orange crits. But how do we activate Overwhelming attrition if every shot is a crit? Simply shoot from the hip (don't aim down sights) so [Galvanized Crosshairs] does NOT activate. This means you will be only getting about 90% crit chance from Cascadia Overcharge. Alternatively aim down sights while not having overshields to also activate overwhelming buff. Note, bodyshots at this crit level still do not surpass Devouring Attrition:
Here is an example of Orange Crit [Laetum] without [Harrow] (using hip fire to proc Overwhelming, then aiming down sights to get orange crits):
Red Crit Laetum - Harrow + Xata's Whisper
The void damage instance of Xata's Whisper currently counts as as non-crit non-status component of [Laetum]'s damage and therefore will proc Overwhelming Attrition regardless of your crit chance. This means you can run [Harrow] with [Xata]'s Whisper and achieve RED CRITS while still getting the +1200% dmg of Overwhelming Attrition.
At 308% crit chance (achievable with [Harrow] Covenant + Arcane Avenger + [Primed Pistol Gambit] + Deadhead) on headshots, your final average multiplier actually becomes approx 1200x and you get guaranteed red crits.
With [Galvanized Crosshairs] fully stacked, Cascadia [Overcharged], Covenant and Avenger active, you can hit 403% final crit chance, meaning guaranteed tier 4 red crits (although you need to drop Secondary Deadhead and run the -recoil perk to maintain -100% recoil which actually reduces overall average DPS with final multiplier of approx 1100x). This is an example of a case where forcing yourself into the next tier of crits actually reduces your DPS.
Here is an example of Red Crit [Laetum] with [Harrow]: