Evolutions taken are:
1: Rapid Wrath, simple fire rate, helps build up the charge and the full auto DPS
2: Lethal Rearmament, the reload speed makes the transformation a bit faster.
3: Caput Mortuum, 50% headshot damage is no joke, make Noxs fear you
4: Overwhelming Attrition, non-crit and non-status bullets give you 400% damage for 10s, stacking 3 times. With the amount of multishot we have this gives you enough bullets to easily maintain its stacks.
Aim for the head, don't aim for the head, this thing melts steel path willy nilly
If you dislike bane mods a lot, you can swap it for [Primed Fulmination] or [Hornet Strike]
Overwhelming attrition also has a unique interaction with [Zephyr] Tornados, in that it will always activate.