Harrow's Arsenal | Red Crit Headhunter Knell Prime
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Knell Head Hunter Prime
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EIDOLON - pew pew
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Knell Prime - Archon Slayer
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- 28
by King_Mo — last updated 2 years ago
Ring a funeral toll upon enemy skulls with Harrow Prime's signature pistol.
3060 / 60
Shoot the eidolon's head to trigger infinite ammo then aim at limb
Secondary Deadhead is only useful at max rank for -50% recoil
[Primed Pistol Gambit] can be substitued with Creeping Bullseye
If you only use this weapon and dont switch around replace Eject Magazine with Steady Hands
If using Volt (/Prime) with [Shock Trooper] you can replace [Convulsion] with [Hydraulic Crosshairs], [Gunslinger], or a riven for even more dps