[Sporothrix] is a NATURAL SLASH STATUS weapon with high status chance, meaning it can proc multiple slash procs per shot. The bulk of the damage comes from the direct hits, while the AOE provides free viral priming and some minor spread damage.
EMPTY SLOT is for the new augment [Volatile Variant] which gives +3 punchthrough, makes barbs explode instantly witth +4 radius and gives +50% status chance (assuming this is additive to SC mods). This means you can hit multiple enemies with the direct hits, no longer need to wait to benefit from viral explosions and get more viral procs and slash procs with each hit due to the SC boost.
This is ideally used with an external flat crit chance buff since it has 1% cc but a whopping 3 cd. The weapon innately can get +25% flat cc from 5 puncture procs. Other sources include Arcane Avenger, [Harrow], [Citrine], [Sevagoth], [Adarza Kavat].
Consider running external fire rate ([Reinforced Bond]) and reload buffs (e.g. Arcane Tempo) due to the extremely slow fire rate and reload speeds.
Blast has been buffed and can deal good AOE status damage on weapons with very high status, provided they can stack 10 blast within 1.5s
[Galvanized Aptitude]: Galv Aptitude does not work on the AOE component but does help the direct hit which does the bulk of the damage (90%). Having IPS + viral means direct hits get +320% dmg, in addition to the +360% from Primary Merciless which applies to both direct hits and AOE.
Galv Chamber: Mandatory multishot
[Hammer Shot]: Gives status chance which increases slash procs as well as crit damage which boosts average DPS.
[Vital Sense]: Ideal with external crit buffs, but even with just puncture procs giving 26% cc, increases average DPS by 47% (with [Hammer Shot] on) or 61% (without [Hammer Shot]).
Fanged Fusilade: increases slash bias over impact, puncture and viral so slash procs occur more often.
[Vile Acceleration]: Increase fire rate which boosts DPS by 90%. Can offload if using external fire rate sources.
Volatile Variant: gives more explosion radius, punchthrough and status chance.
Primed Bane of Grineer/Corrupted: Applies separate 1.55x multiplier and double dips slash procs for 2.4025x multiplier.
[Target Acquired]: If you headshot, you get a 1.6x multiplier, separate to base dmg and bane mods, but additive to the 50% headshot bonus when zoomed, giving a final dps boost of 40%. This is still higher than what Serration gives, but less than Vital Sense when at 5 puncture procs of with external crit chance.
Amalgam Serration/normal [Serration]: Gives more damage without needing to build stacks, but is ultimately additive to Primary Merciless and Galv Aptitude meaning it only gives about 21% final DPS boost.
Grineer/Corrupted: For high level armored enemies, we use natural slash with Fanged Fusilade as Bleed status bypasses armor.
Murmur: Use Electric status by swapping Fanged Fusilade for [Stormbringer] as Electric has 75% bonus against Indifferent facade and 50% bonus against Culverins.
Corpus: Use Toxin status by swapping Fanged Fusilade for Infected Clip as toxin bypasses shields
Desired stats are CD/MS/FR/SC with -impact/puncture. If you roll FR, replace [Vile Acceleration]. If you roll CD, replace [Hammer Shot]. +slash works as well meaning you can replace fanged fusilade.
This is some gameplay with [Harrow] and avenger.