


Helminth Charger

Helminth Charger - Hunter Strain

by last updated a year ago


An experimental blending of Kubrow and Infestation. Uses maggots and other Infested abilities to inflict damage and control the battlefield.




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Helminth Charger builds
Builds by zack

Helminth Charger - Hunter Strain

The Hunter Strain build is part of a larger build for [Nidus] called Swarm Lord. As part of the build Hunter mods are used to increase the Helminths damage while Strain Mods are incorporated to offer utility.

Hunter Mod Details

  • [Hunter Command]: Really useful for if you want your kubrow to focus a specific target and easily reap benefits of the Mod Set. Only minor benefits from having a maxed out rank.
  • Hunter Recovery: The healing this offers to your warframe makes it completive with Fetch. Hard to pick.
  • [Hunter Synergy]: The critical chance from this mod is based on your primary weapon (regardless of it being drawn or holstered) and added last. For Example: A primary with 100% crit, a Kubrow with 10% base crit and the [Hunter Synergy] + [Bite] mods equipped would have 10%(Base)+33([Bite])%+30%(Hunter)=73% chance to crit. So when using something like this Dread build you get to just over 100% critical chance (only if you use a riven mod).

Strain Mod Details

  • Strain Eruption: some great AoE damage for the Kubrow.
  • Strain Fever: realy allows the Helminth Charger to be the ultimate damage companion.

Other Mod Details

  • Bite: An absolutely mandatory damage increase for your Kubrow if you plan to keep him relevant.
  • Maul: When partnered with Hunter Synergy, you can reach 110% critical chance, a huge damage boost!
  • Link Health + Link Armor: These mods with Inaros, Grendel or Nidus results in an EXTREMELY tanky partner.
  • Primed Pact Leader: Offers that little bit of healing needed to make sure your partner is always besides you.
  • [Fetch]: For people addicted to Vaccum on Sentinels, Modded so it can swap with [Hunter Command]. Also swappable to [Synth Fiber] for some substantial Tankiness.

*note: try to get the Kavasa Prime Collar, the extra 100 armor for your pet is minor compared to armor-link but still very useful.

*Damage Note: This leads to each [Bite] dealing about dealing just over 46,000 on a critical hit with 4 cysts (average) and a slash mark on the enemy. That would in turn heal you for a huge amount of health thanks to [Hunter Recovery] making it a great recovery tool for even on the Steel Path.