Maxed out [Itzal] archwings build.
[Itzal] are currently the fastest archwing in the game with base movespeed of 1.2 so people use them for content where speed running is required such as the current on going Plague Star event.
[Itzal] is also used for Eidolon hunting because of it's 3rd ability which loots things for you.
I run [Cold Snap] because this mod allows you to have some sort of cc, this also allows you to suck in and freeze Vomvalysts which makes them easier to shoot down for your lure to eat.
Other than the points I mentioned above, Itzal are not that great. They have only 50 base armor at max rank and only 600 hp/shields. I run Enhanced Durability only since our base health and shields have the same value, so by maxing out our health we will have more effective hp, because armor only applies to health and not shields. The shield mod Energy Inversion also gives less % than the hp mod. Running Argon Plating is pointless since our armor is only 50. Compared to the [Amesha] wings they are really squishy. Your 2nd ability that gives you stealth is your main tool for survivability BUT it drains your energy over time and you are forced to stay in one place in order to gain stealth. Your 4th ability has a long casting animation and the drones don't really follow you closely so you will end up getting shot off your wings in open world quite a lot of times.
In reality the only thing [Itzal] are good for is the looting skill (which btw has reduced range in open world maps) and the move speed as well as having two damaging skills which is helpful for newer players that don't have good archgun/archmelee to kill enemies.
For content such as Railjack or Steel Path Archwing missions I advise you to use [Amesha] wings. [Amesha] wings provide you with self sustain, a shield, invulnerability and drones that will eat rockets for you to prevent you from being knocked off your wings in open world missions. [Amesha] are also way tankier than [Itzal] wings with 200 base armor and 1200 hp at max rank. Both wings cost 1 Orokin Reactor and 3 forma to max out.
You can go check out my Amesha build here: