Updated my build, changed plenty of things after understanding how damage stacking works in this game. I will make a separate build for Electric damage sharing the same forma polarities later.
I am praying that DE will fix Galvanized Aptitude not giving damage to projectile/radial attack weapons, if It's not fixed, use Serration and continue praying.
17/11/2021 DE made a statement on Update 30.9 (2021-11-11) saying this:
Changed the description of [Galvanized Aptitude] to better [Reflect] its current function (which clarifies that area of effect damage is not included)
... BUT WAIT! We want to explain why because it’s very important to us that everyone understands where we are coming from with our current design mindset. AoE Weapons are the dominant ones by every usage metric. We see this day after day. Having this bonus apply to the AoE instance felt dangerously close to a myopic choice concerning powering up player Arsenals that simply do not need it. This mod never worked on AoE, and the description now explains that to avoid confusion. We understand those seeking a different outcome will disagree with this choice, but ultimately we are not willing to further bolster AoE at this time. This is due to the increasing difficulty in creating content that serves to challenge the Tenno.
AKA Galvanized Aptitude will never increase the AOE damage of this bow, aka the damage that you're looking for, so no point in running the mod, keep on using Serration.
The faction mods are a must because they double dip tick proc damage and they don't get diluted in the calculation of damage with other damage mods such as Serration.
We are not running Heavy Caliber because we already have Serration AND Primary Merciless in so the value of the mod would be something like +10% raw damage rather then +165% after all the calculations xD.
We are not running Vigilante Armaments because even with it we would still be below 4.0 multishot (from 3.3 we would go to 3.9) aka it is useless to us and a waste of slot.
Please do NOT run Hunter Munitions because this bow has 0 crit chance. Please do NOT run Primed Firestorm because it does not affect the mechanic of this bow that you care about. Please do NOT run ANY +slash dmg% mods because they do NOT affect your slash bleed proc damage.
If you want to get this bow to crit, run a Smeeta/Adarza kavat for the 200%/60% crit chance buff, run Arcane Avenger on your warframe for the +45% flat cc buff or run Harrow/[Nidus]( Teeming Virulence )/[Trinity]( Champion's Blessing ) for their respective crit buffs. Vigilante Supplies helps here because it gives us better ammo economy and it gives you 20% chance to upgrade your crit to the next tier, aka if you do a yellow crit it might be an orange one, if you do an orange one it might be a red one ect...Just make sure to equip 3 Vigilante set mods onto one of your pet Sentinels weapons, you don't need to run around with them, their set effect will be applied regardless.
To see full dps click on "apply conditionals".
Please know how your mods/arcanes work. The damage in this build comes from stacking up kills. +30%x12 dmg from Arcane Merciless and +30%x5 multishot from [Galvanized Chamber] . Not achieving these conditionals will result in the weapon feeling bad to use.
If you think the weapon lacks magazine, use a maxed out Merciless arcane, you'll have 18 arrows instead of 9.
If you wanna check out my 2nd config build for this bow here it is (it revolves around Electricity as the main proc damage source, as well as Gas for the second damage source that lingers even after the enemy dies, these two elements are perfect for a bow with a grouping mechanic + aoe explosion): https://overframe.gg/build/247086/