This is a balanced [Ember] build with roar subsumed into ability 1 to boost weapon damage and Inferno damage. Roar double dips on inferno damage since it boosts the heat damage and heat proc (which scales off the heat damage). Ideally use with a [Huras Kubrow] and stay invisible while nuking with 4 for lazy survivability. If not using a [Huras Kubrow], consider swapping [Mecha Pulse] for [Catalyzing Shields] or [Rolling Guard] and [Mecha Empowered] for [Brief Respite] for shield gating OR for [Adaptation] + [Growing Power] for tanking.
UPDATE June 2024
[Healing Flame] is receiving a slight buff, giving overguard on overheal, which gives knockdown and status immunity as well as extra 0.5s overguard gate.
Positive duration gives decent Roar duration.
Streamline + primed flow + exothermic and either Arcane Energize AND/OR amber energy orb efficiency shards is required for energy economy since you will be spamming 3 and 4, while 2 will constantly drain energy if at max heat. [Seismic Bond] can give you free 30% efficiency when used on a sentinel or companion.
Rnage of 145% gives 36m radius for fire blast, 36m targetting range for Inferno and 7.5m fire radius for Inferno.
Scales up both roar and Inferno. Remember that Ember's passive gives alot more power strength from burning enemies.
- Cast 2 to set up immolation
- Cast 1 for roar
- Cast 4 to build up heat meter
- Cast 3 among groups of enemies when at max heat for 100% armor strip
- Cast 4 or use weapons to kill stripped enemies
Optional: use heat inherit primer with viral + heat e.g. Kuva Ogris: