Fun Gauss build for going all-out Speedy Boi. An advantage of doing this is that [Gauss] will cover ground so fast that you can gain more battery by normal sprinting than you'll lose by having Kinetic Plating active.
Since we're sacrificing range, Thermal Sunder loses a great deal of it's usefulness, so Helminth it out with Fire Walker for alternate burning or Infested Mobility for more straight-up speed. Wheeeeeeeeee!
[Corrosive Projection] is to make up for losing Thermal Sunder's armor stripping but is not strictly necessary. Since melee raises battery while Kinetic Plating is active, you should be meleeing enemies a lot with [Gauss] with just about any build, so [Steel Charge] is another good choice.
If you use a rank 5 [Adaptation], you can drop Auger Message for [Mach Crash] and have just enough room to eat the extra drain from the wrong polarity for a little more ease at getting enemies into melee range.
[Quick Thinking] goes with Kinetic Plating's energy restoration.
Like some other frames coughniduscough, [Gauss] is relatively weak if you're not constantly using his powers in tandem with each other so Keep Kinetic Plating, Firewalker/Infested Mobility and Red Line up at all times. With duration and Efficiency buffs, plus [Flow] giving you a huge store, plus Kinetic Plating giving you energy as you're attacked, this shouldn't be a problem. If there isn't room for a long Mach [Rush], spam the dash cast into enemies or into walls near enemies (but don't drain all of your energy on it so you can upkeep the other powers) and melee the crap out of those aforementioned enemies.
There's some weirdness here for the sake of having an alternate build based around spamming Thermal Thunder. [Narrow Minded] would be better than [Continuity], but they're different polarities and the other build can't afford [Narrow Minded]'s range drop, it needs [Continuity] instead.
For the Thermal Sundering spam build, change the following:
Keep Thermal Sunder as Gauss' third power (obviously)
Augur Message --> Stretch
Quick Thinking --> Overextended or Augur Reach
Adaptation --> [Umbral Intensify]