



Yareli: Roar/Eclipse/Nourish - Buffing Aquablades

by last updated 3 years ago


The waverider can unleash a flood of destruction on the battlefield. Yareli’s aqueous attacks deal high damage. Surf’s up. Enemies down.




60 / 60


Damage Reduction
Yareli builds
Builds by F1ameBlade

Yareli: Roar/Eclipse/Nourish - Buffing Aquablades

Yareli Gameplay Guide

[Yareli] combines crowd control with offensive and defensive abilities to disrupt enemies while constantly repositioning herself into optimal vantage points. She shines in unfettered environments where she can make use of her unique movement style but she also has the ability to lock down small rooms and hallways. Her passive can cover weaknesses that she may have against enemies with crowd control immunity by using a strong Secondary weapon that scales with critical hits.


This Warframe is still under review by the developers and may receive changes to various aspects of their loadout. This means that some builds have inherent volatility and polarity plans should be used at your own discretion. Utilize cheaper substitute mods if you're not confident but want to try the build.

📝 Build Overview 📝

This build uses Aquablades to grind through enemies with Slash procs. This scales against enemies with egregious amounts of armor in comparison to their health pool. Subsumed buffs synergize with the ability stat spread.

🔢 Helminth Options 🔢

Riptide doesn't have enough Range investment to be worth the energy cost. Sea Snares have similar issues but can be used as chokepoint traps.

Roar increases the damage of Aquablades which allows it to scale against higher level enemies. It also allows your weapons to deal with enemies that Aquablades can't kill in a reasonable time.

Eclipse is one of the strongest damage buffs, and even though it does nothing to Aquablades, it allows your weapons to kill extremely high level enemies with ease.

[Xata]'s Whisper, Nourish, and other buffs increase your damage but not to the same degree as the aforementioned abilities.

Elemental Ward, Warcry, and other hybrid buffs can grant you greater offensive and defensive attributes but have a fraction of the effectiveness of traditional damage buffs.

Other abilities are decent but provide a lot of redundancy due to the existence of operator mode and the previously mentioned abilities.

📊 Ability Stats 📊

Strength and Duration are the primary stats in a buff build. Efficiency and Range are less useful so they're lowered by multiple mods.

Helminth Invigorations, Arbitration Buffs, Ally Abilities, Arcanes, and other external stat boosts can save you multiple mod slots but may rely on specific team compositions, loadouts, or sheer luck. Plan around these situations and modify your loadout to hit desired ability stat breakpoints.

⏲️ Duration ⏲️

Duration is increased by several mods so that your buffs and abilities have less upkeep. This is especially important when using Merulina because subsumed abilities can't be cast while on it.

⛽ Efficiency ⛽

Efficiency is lowered by Blind Rage but brought back up by Streamline. If you're confident in your energy economy then Streamline is a flex mod.

📏 Range 📏

Range is useless on this build so we use no mods to increase it. Narrow Minded can be removed if you want to buff allies but it comes at a large hit to your Duration.

💪 Strength 💪

Strength is boosted as it positively benefits all of your abilities. This allows [Yareli] to feel impactful in more missions. Dropping any of these mods can significantly impact the scaling of your damage against high level content.

↔️ Alternate Playstyles ↔️

Most builds utilize tools that can be swapped out to serve the same purpose albeit in a different manner. The following suggestions are an outline and aren't exhaustive.

🔧 Mods 🔧

  • Growing Power is easy to proc and synergizes with the heavy Strength investment on the build. It can be swapped at your discretion.
  • [Power Drift] synergizes with the high Strength investment and grants a small chance to avoid knockdowns when off of Merulina. It can be replaced with any other mod that fits into the polarity plan.
  • [Streamline] is a flex mod that simply assists with your energy economy. It isn't necessary if you're only using your abilities sparingly.
  • [Rolling Guard] is necessary against high level enemies. Damage reduction and raw health doesn't scale as well as shield gating and invincibility and your crowd control abilities may not be good enough with high enemy density.
  • Augments for subsumed abilities can easily be fit in and there's room for mods that increase your quality of life.

⚙️ Arcanes ⚙️

Arcane Energize synergizes with [Primed Flow] and keeps your energy topped off. It can be replaced if you have other strong forms of energy recovery either through abilities or other energy support frames. Offensive arcanes like Arcane Avenger or Arcane [Fury] are usually the call.

Arcane Velocity is a great source of damage on frames that utilize secondary weapons. It can be replaced if you aren't confident in relying on whatever your secondary weapon is or if it doesn't scale with fire rate. Tertiary defensive arcanes like Arcane Aegis or Arcane Nullifier are usually the call.

📋 Final Notes 📋

Sea Snares can target enemies through walls or chase a single enemy and fizzle without affecting them. This can be alleviated by sparingly casting this ability near enemies instead of spamming them like traps.

Merulina has some immunity to enemy crowd control effects but many can still cause the ability to deactivate and put you into a vulnerable animation. Stay at the maximum distance your Secondary weapon allows until you deal with these enemies in each group.

Riptide spawns in weird spots when cast in certain areas and has problems hitting enemies in its line of sight. This ability is primarily useful on enemies that are already grouped together in open spaces before it's even cast.

🔄 Linked Builds 🔄



Other Necessary Tools

📧 Contact Information 📧

Remnants of the Void / Phantom Vanguard Discord Server
If you have any questions or concerns please contact us through the Discord server. We appreciate all forms of support and welcome any criticism designed to help us improve. If you enjoyed this guide you can also support us by giving it a 👍 and sharing it with your friends!

This build is part of a collection that you can either find on the builder's profile or through a special bot we have in the Discord server. We have builds for every item in the game and we're adding new ones frequently. Come check it out!

🏆 Credits 🏆

  • NICHE - Developed tools that made generating builds far easier.
  • Dragazer - Helped to clarify certain melee interactions.
  • Marr - Helped with proofreading original build format.
  • Dystopia - Tested several strategies to the level cap.

🛑 Disclaimers 🛑

This build may make certain assumptions about mechanics that can change after a patch. Multiple unnecessary forma may be used to facilitate more options across multiple builds with one polarity plan. Certain sub-optimal mods may be run to fit them into the forma polarity plan. We do not make builds that purposely attempt to abuse mechanics that aren't intended by the developers. None of these previous statements are excuses for a fundamentally incorrect build and we ask that you please contact us when we're wrong. We do not consent to anyone other than the original author of this guide posting it without permission.