Eidoloning v2.0 (UPDATED) also useful for Iso-Vaulting or Orphix Venoming (now just Orphixing I guess, lol).
Now that Operation Orphix Venom was on consoles I've managed to grab a couple of newer Necramech mods that I'm fairly confident will be a huge help for the issues of keeping this rig alive and after a quick run it definitely has much better survivability. With the Railjack update this is still applicable to the Orphix event.
I've had some strange confused Tenno (mostly [Chroma]'s and [Volt]'s) giving me the strangest looks when I launch this onto the plains but it works for me so why not? When utilising the 4th ability (Guard Mode) for the first time to take out a Synovia, because I've used a bright lime green as energy colour it highlights the Terry, Gary and Harry in the same fluorescent colour. Surprisingly also the Vomelysts and this then is permanent for the rest of the mission, makes it a bit easier to see what you're supposed to be aiming at. Not sure if this is by design but my bad eyesight is forever grateful.
My Eidolonrig is matched with appropriately configured Arquebex. Also works well for the Deimos Iso-Vaults, especially since the introduction of multiple Bonewidows randomly appearing in Tiers 1 to 3, usually with my luck doing them solo I've got six Bonewidows all up, with T3 all three are ganged up together against me, yay!
I've opted for Naramon instead of Vazarin to allow for greater flexibility to change the build as needed to suit personal playstyle, it's already very Vazarin heavy so hopefully I won't need to change it again therefore giving five Vazarin, two Naramon and two Madurai.
I now run [Trinity] (yes I was getting tired of lures dying, haha) with Well of Life replaced with Dispensary to try and alleviate some of the energy pickup problems for Eidoloning which has been greatly reduced with the updated build and then I run Inaros with Sandstorm replaced with Silence for the Iso-Vaults which utilises the [Savage Silence] mod card.
[Arquebex] configs I've just used TheMoon85's builds, he always does great work and deserves the appreciation for his efforts.
Config B - Eidolon's [Hunt] Config https://overframe.gg/build/78110/arquebex/the-last-judgment-for-eidolons-hunt-config-b/
Config C - Isolation Vault Config https://overframe.gg/build/78116/arquebex/the-last-judgment-for-isolation-vaults-config-c/