Hello there,
"Gloomy Sonar, Silence Fracture" build is a perfect way to deal with Kuva Liches or with (Step) Sisters (of Parvos). I'm not saying, they are hard to kill... only annoying to fight with them. So... do you want to make it easy-peasy, lemon squeeze?
OK, how does this even work?
- Start the mission, shoot someone, apply any status to activate Growing Power buff, cast Gloom for Slow Aura, cast Silence for Stun Aura. Feels like Paladin already? :D
- When approaching any heavy unit with armor, hit him/her with Sonic Boom, that will strip the entire armor for about 16 seconds. Shoot at it.
- Need more damage? Cast Sonar with x13 Multiplier. Shoot at exposed weak spots.
- When it comes to Lich/Sister fight, recast Sonar until expose weak spot on his/her head.
- Shoot and repeat until it's done.
- Try to avoid taking any damage (should be easy enough), don't fight with Lich/Sister with melee, they can still grab you and kick your brave but stupid ass.
- Move! Always! Never stay in one place for more than a few seconds, you are still a Glass Canon.
- When fighting against Lich/Sister, always take weapons with corresponding weakness. It will be much easier to defeat them.