Duration maxed for keeping up redline and kinetic plating, no need for excessive efficiency due to the high duration and redline halves cost of mach [Rush].
[Streamline] for a little efficiency bonus but with such high duration this may not be necessary and you can maybe replace it with hunter adrenaline/[Rage] or something like that or perhaps a gladiator mod for melee builds.
[Primed Flow] for comfort of mind not having to worry about energy, for low level play or maybe not zenurik tree [Energy Siphon] is also a good choice as is [Sprint Boost].
[Natural Talent] makes redline animation a lot shorter and is preference. [Adaptation] for obvious reasons.
arcanes are used to combat [Gauss]' only survivability risks (arcane grace for resistance to toxin direct health dmg) (arcane barrier for shield gating)
This build doesn't focus on thermal sunder at all and such you can use helminth to replace the 3 with whatever your preference (roar, parkour velocity etc.)
Check out my other builds here.